“ExpoJob - Opportunities Market” brings dozens of people at INOVAGAIA
“We are very pleased to be hosting this Opportunities Market”, bringing together companies and the unemployed and helping to meet the needs of companies and the community. This is how the President of Inovagaia, António Miguel Castro, opened the III Employment and Vocational Training Fair “ExpoJob – Opportunities Market”, which took place on November 6 and 7 in São Félix da Marinha.
Organized by the Social Action Councils of Serzedo/Perosinho and São Felix da Marinha, over 200 unemployed people attended the two-day event and were able to visit the stands of the 24 companies present, which were looking for employees to join their teams.
In addition to the companies, the IEFP and schools/Qualifica Center also made known the various possibilities for consolidating or increasing these people’s areas of knowledge.
Representing the ‘house’ were Didi2CODE and Nemobile, but there were also representatives from Fipla, Remax, Solverde, Barcadouro, among others.
With initiatives like this, “we’re creating bridges between the job market and people and, more importantly, we’re helping to build the lives of the people here,” said the municipality’s councillor for Social Action.
For Marina Mendes, this is “a space for sharing, but above all a space for increasing value in an increasingly competitive market”.
She concluded with the wish that “this is the moment when new achievements begin for everyone”.
It is certain that the two parishes recognize the importance and impact that this fair has on the community, and they assure us that it will be repeated next year.