Douro Marina
The Douro Marina and the valorization of human capital.
Since the beginning of this project, in 2010, Douro Marina has identified as the main objective of its existence to develop a venture that would provide its customers and visitors with a set of very high quality services, which would allow them to experience memorable moments or experiences.
Therefore, we began this journey with the design of a nautical infrastructure that complied with and exceeded all international standards, namely those that define the levels of comfort and safety for the nautical user, adding at a later stage the construction of a set of buildings with architectural recognized as notable and of quality, which aims to be able to accommodate a diverse set of activities inside.
However, we are fundamental that the success of this enterprise will only be achieved with a high-level response to the requests made to us, through the daily work of our employees, in their permanent motivation and qualification, and that the human factor will certainly be the that distinguishes us among our customers.
To this extent, the Douro Marina team has adopted a way of working that is inspired by the hotel industry and has developed ways to empower its employees with the training necessary for this professional stance.
This training is carried out at a first level through the framework and the way in which the functions should be developed in each job, complementing these soft skills through specific training, whether in the operation of equipment and maritime safety, or in the customer service area. tourist and commercial.
Manuel Cunha